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Best Job I Ever HadClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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M4A3 Sherman wht-txt-logoClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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1944 GPW blk_txtClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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T-34-85 Medium Tank w/logo wht_txtClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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T-34-85 Medium Tank w/logoPremium Long Sleeve Tee
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M4A3 Sherman wht-txtClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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M110A2 Self-propelled 8" Howitzer-whtClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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Airborne tank blk1Premium Long Sleeve Tee
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Airborne tank blk1Classic Long Sleeve Tee
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M60A1 w/Toadman logo wht-txtPremium Long Sleeve Tee
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M60A1 w/Toadman logo blk-txtClassic Long Sleeve Tee
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